Sunday, April 17, 2011

Carnelian: Winter Newt

        The Winter newt is usually found in the northern region’s
forests.  They hunt by attracting prey with its spine and tail.  Because 
of the scarcity of the food resource in the winter, their prey generally
consists of small games.  Their tails releases poisonous spores that
paralyze its prey, because of this, often children of the northern region
would fall victim to its spores.  The poison can only be cured by using
a winter newt spore sac.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Carnelian: Korre nomad settlement & Almai settlement

The nomad settlement:
The look of the nomad's houses seems to be what I had in mind, but I'm not sure if I am a fan of the location...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dream State: Additional Illustrations

Sam have asked for a Hi-res portrait of Zach and Allison (his girlfriend) for the game. 

Friday, April 1, 2011

Carnelian: Korre Fire Sisters

The Fire Sisters
Impala, Protea, and Mundii are mercenaries as well as fire dancers. They are originally from the tribe of Korre which primarily dwells in/on water.

When their village was destroyed, the surviving Korre become nomadic. Some re-settled near new bodies of water, but the rest travels as performers. The three sisters are fire dancer in the troupe, but their act is just a front for their merc business.

(Yes, these were the "Valkyries" I wanted to do a while back, some of you might have seen the silhouettes before. I wanted to take on the Valkyries in a different direction :D )

Carnelian: Aryll healer Tikara rough draft

Study: Lily cole (2hr)