Monday, November 22, 2010

Composition : Childhood

Experimenting with composition and environment.  While listening to some music, I thought about my childhood. 

I grew up in Harbin, China, north eastern region of the land, super cold in the winter, and pleasant in the summer.  Every summer of my life until moving to the US at age 11, I spent it with my grandmother who is a botanist researcher and professor at the Northeast Agricultural University (NEAU).  We take the bus to the campus, check her mail box, and head to her research lab, which consists of green houses.  For majority of the day I spent wondering the campus, catching dragonflies, hanging out with her graduate students (aka causing trouble), or peeping into the green houses to see what they are growing this year. 

Since I have left, I have yet to visit China once.  I miss it, and I know within the past 15 years, a lot have changed.  I hear from my mother that I will probably have trouble recognizing places that I used to know.   That campus, would be no different than all the other places, my elementary, our shopping mall that we visited every weekend... and so on.  Grandma passed away last year, and since I've often thought about those carefree days. 
How ironic that we can't wait to grow up when we were children, but once we grow up, we miss those days when we were young. 

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