Friday, April 23, 2010

The Little Concept Workshop

This started around summer of 2009. After working with some friends for a pre-production project, I started to really like working in groups, to get other people's opinion on things and return with my own feedback regarding their works.

So, I gathered a couple of friends and decided that we are going to meet every weekend and experiment with different concepts and challenges. We started by having a set of criteria that we must satisfy within 5 minutes after 1 minute of brainstorming. This challenge ended up to be something really fun, funny, and overall interesting. It is amazing how one single concept can be viewed in such a vast amount of perspective.

I brought it back mid spring 2010 semester. I've met quite a few talented folks, and each one with their distinct flavor of artistic interpretation. I hope in the long run, people do learn form this little workshop, and create more beautiful worlds.

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